Almonds Market


where does the almond market go?

The Californian flowering started with the right foot. It’s already 20%.

A normal crop will exceed last year’s record as new plants come into production. It should reach 2.3 billion of tons except unforeseen on the harvest. The drought that had not been completely overtaken comes into the ball again.

By focusing negative and positive elements that influence prices  we have on the one hand the excellent sales that are limiting the availability and from the other lacto forecasts of excellent crops not only in California.

Currently, Spain which has very limited demands and cause s a weak/stable market share about €5.40 for the Valencia fob/fot delivery.

The GUARAS have increased the gap from Valencia at €  0.20 or €5.60 for GUARAS 34/36 and €5.80 for GUARAS 36/38.

We also have limited possibilities of VALENCIA  bitter. Ask us for quotes if you are interested.

The form of Valencia is better than GUARAS.

Spain will have to wait 15 days to know where the new harvest goes. More days instead for Italy that having cold wave. has to wait owing the bloom totally closed yet. We recently had AVOLA orders that we did not treat being this variety exhausted. The nominal prices are on €20.-per kilo, medium/small calibres  33/35 or alike.

Australia got damages two months ago. Should not exceed 80,000 tons, shelled almonds.


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